- No permission will be granted to copy content from other websites or channels.
- No rudeness, indecency, noise, profanity, or immoral conversations will be allowed in the studio, whether on or off the record.
- YouTubers will not be allowed to create content involving obscenity, profanity, or nudity on their channels.
- YouTubers will not be allowed to appear on any TV show or other channels without the agency’s permission.
- YouTubers must sign a minimum ten-year agreement with the agency.
- During the agreement period, YouTubers must not violate any terms set by the agency and will not be allowed to create their own channel or work with other channels.
- The agency will operate the equity payments, and no YouTuber will be allowed to take agency payments outside or home.
- YouTubers must shoot a minimum of two videos per week and will be allowed to create up to seven videos.
- If a YouTuber wants to create another channel, they must obtain permission from the agency.
- YouTubers will not be allowed to create videos involving hacking, cracking, pirated software, or serial keys.
- YouTubers must arrive at the agency at the time allocated for their work and will not be allowed to stay at the agency after the work is done.
- The agency will provide all equipment, space, and services, and if any additional requirements arise, the agency must be informed. After consulting with the agency management, the necessary provisions will be made.
- YouTubers will not be allowed to create videos in categories other than their assigned category.
- The rights to the YouTube channel will remain with the agency according to the agreement. After the agreement expires, the YouTuber may choose to renew the agreement or terminate it.